
Fly Control

Summer mastitis – still a danger

Summer mastitis usually occurs between July and September, affecting dry cows and maiden heifers. Trueperella pyogenes is the primary causative agent, but infections are often mixed. It is transmitted by biting flies so conditions that promote their existence are risk factors for disease – humid and damp weather, just what […]

2022-08-04T14:06:17+00:00August 4th, 2022|Beef, Dairy, Fly Control, Mastitis, Youngstock|

Farm fly control for every situation

Warm, summer hay-making days are on their way, despite some crazy early May weather we’ve been having, but with them come the dreaded nuisance flies. Flies are a burden on livestock and human welfare and it just takes one warm day for them to hatch and start causing havoc. Every […]

2021-05-28T12:04:14+00:00May 28th, 2021|Fly Control|
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