Calf Health Club

Welcome to our Calf Health Club

We would like to introduce you to our new calf health club, a small group of like-minded people looking at how we can improve our calf rearing. After all how a calf is managed is essential for rearing good replacements to keep your milking herd healthy.

Our calf health club is a group for farmers who want to be proactive in calf health and rear their calves in the best way possible. This is a closed group to share ideas, opinions and advice between members, covering all aspects of calf management.

What’s included?

The package will vary depending on your practice, but you can expect to receive the following:

  • Initial visit on farm which is meant to primarily go through the calf health checklist to identify focus areas.
  • A follow-up visit will also take place. This is to see how you are getting on, if you have had any problems occurring since the first visit, or to see if there are any other areas to focus on at the later date.
  • We will have approximately 3 meetings per year including farm walks
  • Discounts on YSI colostrum checks and growth rate reports
  • Group WhatsApp for discussion and advice from other members and tailored answers from vets

In addition to the benefits of the direct package, this club will allow you to spread your veterinary spend throughout the year – a more consistent approach for the budgeting purpose.

If this is of interest to you, please get in touch with your vet or practice as we’d love to get invovled with your calf health.